Beginner / Lesson 10 (Numbers) || Learn Malay Through English ||

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another lesson on the Malay language. :) 

If you have missed my previous lesson of the "Beginner" level, click below:

Lesson 9 (My Family)
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Beginner || Learn Malay Through English ||


Today's lesson will be on "Numbers".

By just reading the title for our lesson, it got me wondering. What is the average age when toddlers start counting?

Do you remember the age when you started counting? My earliest memory was when I was around the age of five, in kindergarten. I recalled myself running up to my teacher to show her that I was able to write the number "5" properly for I had a problem in writing out the numeral "5".

It was probably too late for my age since my peers had mastered all the numbers by then. 

Coming back to the title, learning numbers in Malay. First of all, "number" is known as "nombor" in Malay. :)

Let's begin with the basic numerals from 0~10.

  • 0 - Kosong
  • 1 - Satu
  • 2 - Dua
  • 3 - Tiga 
  • 4 - Empat 
  • 5 - Lima
  • 6 - Enam 
  • 7 - Tujuh
  • 8 - Lapan 
  • 9 - Sembilan
  • 10 - Sepuluh

Next, let's continue from 11~19.
  • 11 - Sebelas
  • 12 - Dua belas 
  • 13 - Tiga belas 
  • 14 - Empat belas
  • 15 - Lima belas
  • 16 - Enam belas
  • 17 - Tujuh belas
  • 18 - Lapan belas
  • 19 - Sembilan belas
Note: Basically in Malay, "-teen" means "belas".
The word "belas" is added after the numeral in Malay.
For example: nineteen - sembilan belas
Only eleven is different, the word "se-" is actually the abbreviation of the word "satu" which means "one".

"Tens" is known as "Puluhan" in Malay.

  • 10 - Sepuluh
  • 20 - Dua puluh
  • 30 - Tiga puluh
  • 40 - Empat puluh
  • 50 - Lima puluh
  • 60 - Enam puluh
  • 70 - Tujuh puluh
  • 80 - Lapan puluh
  • 90 - Sembilan puluh
Note: Basically, in Malay, "-ty" means "puluh".
The word "puluh" is added after the numeral.
For example: Thirty - Tiga puluh
Notice that from 20 - 90, the "puluh" is separated from the numeral except "sepuluh"

How about 21?

Just like in english, "twenty-one" in Malay is "dua puluh satu".
The "dua puluh" expresses twenty and the "one" is written after the twenty.
Hence, twenty-one is "dua puluh satu".

Let's try a few:

  • 46 (Forty-six) - Empat puluh enam
  • 73 (Seventy-three) - Tujuh puluh tiga
  • 85 (Eighty-five) - Lapan puluh lima
  • 94 (Ninety-four) - Sembilan puluh empat

"Hundreds" is "Ratusan" in Malay.
  • 100 - Seratus
  • 200 - Dua ratus 
  • 300 - Tiga ratus
  • 400 - Empat ratus
  • 500 - Lima ratus
  • 600 - Enam ratus
  • 700 - Tujuh ratus
  • 800 - Lapan ratus
  • 900 - Sembilan ratus
How about 124?
In English, it would be "One hundred and twenty-four". In Malay, just translate the order, it would be "Seratus dua puluh empat"

In English, "and" would be used to join the numbers.
For example: One hundred and twenty-four
In Malay, "and" is not stated.
It "seratus dua puluh empat" and not "seratus dan dua puluh empat".

Let's try a few:
  • 351 - Tiga ratus lima puluh satu
  • 627 - Enam ratus dua puluh tujuh
  • 764 - Tujuh ratus enam puluh empat
  • 989 - Sembilan ratus lapan puluh sembilan

"Thousands" is "Ribuan" in Malay.
  • 1 000 - Seribu
  • 2 000 - Dua ribu
  • 3 000 - Tiga ribu
  • 4 000 - Empat ribu
  • 5 000 - Lima ribu
  • 6 000 - Enam ribu
  • 7 000 - Tujuh ribu
  • 8 000 - Lapan ribu
  • 9 000 - Sembilan ribu 
How about 2798?
In English, it would be "Two thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight". In Malay, it literally just translates to "Dua ribu tujuh ratus sembilan puluh lapan".

Note: Remember in Malay, the "and" in 2 798, is not stated in Malay. 

Let's try a few:
  • 4639 - Empat ribu enam ratus tiga puluh sembilan
  • 9898 - Sembilan ribu lapan ratus sembilan puluh lapan
  • 1973 - Seribu sembilan ratus tujuh puluh tiga
  • 8494 - Lapan ribu empat ratus sembilan puluh empat

"Tens thousands" is "Puluhan ribu" in Malay.
  • 10 000 - Sepuluh ribu
  • 20 000 - Dua puluh ribu
  • 30 000 - Tiga puluh ribu
  • 40 000 - Empat puluh ribu
  • 50 000 - Lima puluh ribu
  • 60 000 - Enam puluh ribu
  • 70 000 - Tujuh puluh ribu
  • 80 000 - Lapan puluh ribu
  • 90 000 - Sembilan puluh ribu

How about 21 584?

In English, it is "Twenty-one thousand five hundred and eighty-four". In Malay, it literally just translates to "Dua puluh ribu lima ratus lapan puluh empat"

Note: Remember in Malay, the "and" in 21 584, is not stated in Malay.

Let's try a few:
  • 15 849 - Lima belas ribu lapan ratus empat puluh sembilan
  • 36 783 - Tiga puluh enam ribu tujuh ratus lapan puluh tiga
  • 65 487 - Enam puluh lima ribu empat ratus lapan puluh tujuh
  • 98 752 - Sembilan puluh lapan ribu tujuh ratus lima puluh dua

"Hundreds thousands" is "Ratusan ribu" in Malay.
  • 100 000 - Seratus ribu
  • 200 000 - Dua ratus ribu
  • 300 000 - Tiga ratus ribu
  • 400 000 - Empat ratus ribu
  • 500 000 - Lima ratus ribu
  • 600 000 - Enam ratus ribu
  • 700 000 - Tujuh ratus ribu
  • 800 000 - Lapan ratus ribu
  • 900 000 - Sembilan ratus ribu
How about 365 482?
In English, it is "Three hundred sixty-five thousand four hundred and eighty-two". In Malay, it literally translates to "Tiga ratus enam puluh lima ribu empat ratus lapan puluh dua".

Note: Remember in Malay, the "and" in 365 482, is not stated in Malay.

Let's try a few:
  • 123 456 -Seratus dua puluh tiga ribu empat ratus lima puluh enam
  • 698 754 - Enam ratus sembilan puluh lapan ribu tujuh ratus lima puluh empat
  • 487 562 - Empat ratus lapan puluh tujuh ribu lima ratus enam puluh dua
  • 878 310 - Lapan ratus tujuh puluh lapan ribu tiga ratus sepuluh

"Millions" is "Jutaan"
  • 1 000 000 - Sejuta
  • 2 000 000 - Dua juta
  • 3 000 000 - Tiga juta
  • 4 000 000 - Empat juta
  • 5 000 000 - Lima juta
  • 6 000 000 - Enam juta
  • 7 000 000 - Tujuh juta
  • 8 000 000 - Lapan juta
  • 9 000 000 - Sembilan juta
How about 6 023 508?
In English it is "Six million twenty-three thousand five hundred and eight". In Malay it just literally translates to "Enam juta dua puluh tiga ribu lima ratus lapan".

Note: Remember in Malay, the "and" in 6 023 508, is not stated in Malay.

Let's try a few:

  • 5 004 879 - Lima juta empat ribu lapan ratus tujuh puluh sembilan
  • 3 214 985 - Tiga juta dua ratus empat belas ribu Sembilan ratus lapan puluh lima
  • 4 000 027 - Empat juta dua puluh tujuh
  • 8 354 000 - Lapan ribu tiga ratus lima puluh empat ribu

I think that covers the essentials at least when it comes to numbers.

Do let me know if you have any doubts or questions at the comments section below. :)


Click below to go the next lesson :)
Lesson 11 (My Things)

That is all for now!  

See you soon!


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