Beginner / Lesson 2 (Personal Pronouns, About Me) || Learn Malay Through English ||

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Lesson 1 (Hello)

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Beginner || Learn Malay Through English ||


In this lesson, there would be two parts, "Personal Pronouns" and "About Me".

First Part: Personal Pronouns
In the first part, we are going to learn the usage of it in the Malay language. Just like in English, we have singular and plural categories.


1. I / Me - Saya (commonly used, can be used formally and informally)
                Aku (informal, used only among peers)
2. You - Awak (commonly used, informal)
             Anda (formal)
             Engkau / Kau (informal, used only among peers)
3. He / Him - Dia
4. She / Her - Dia 
5. It - Ia


1. We - Kita
2. Us - Kami
3. You - Kamu
4. They / Them - Mereka

Second Part: About Me
In the second part, we will learn what to use when you want to introduce yourself.

1. What's your name? - Siapakah nama awak?
                                    ("nama" means name)
2. My name is ... . - Nama saya ialah ... . 
    (My name is Ava.) - (Nama saya ialah Ava.)
3. How old are you? - Berapakah umur awak?
                                  ("umur" means age)
4. I am ... years old. - Umur saya ialah ... tahun.
    (I am five years old.) - (Umur saya ialah lima tahun.)
5. And you? - Dan awak? / Awak? 


Click below to go the next lesson :)

That is all for now! 
See you soon!


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