Beginner / Lesson 16 (Prepositions) || Learn Malay Through English ||
Lesson 15 (Directions)
6. Pada - To / With / In
- It is used in reference of : place of an action / object
time description
For example:
Note: Demi and untuk has the same meaning which is "for" and can be used interchangeably.
For example:
For example:
For example:
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Beginner || Learn Malay Through English ||
It is a word that is used before a noun, a noun phrase or a pronoun, connecting it to another word.
What are prepositions?
A few examples are on, in, at and onto.
Why do we need to prepositions?
- Basically, that is how we determine where an object is.
For example: The bag is on the box.
- We also use it to determine when an event takes place.
For example: I will be home by noon.
In this lesson, I will be focusing on the prepositions used in the Malay language otherwise known as "Kata sendi nama".
In Malay, preposition or rather kata sendi nama, is placed before a noun, a noun phrase or a pronoun. Just like in English.
1. Di - At
- It is used in reference of location.
For example:
- They are doing their revision at the library. - Mereka sedang mengulang kaji di perpustakaan.
- He is jogging at the park. - Dia sedang berjoging di taman.
2. Ke - To / For
- It is used in reference of: place / location
For example:
- I will go to the clinic later. - Saya akan pergi ke klinik nanti. (Place / Location)
- Jenny left early for the office. - Jenny keluar awal ke pejabat. (Direction)
- Now, the time shows 10 minutes to 11 a.m. - Sekarang, masa menunjukkan 10 minit ke pukul sebelas pagi. (Time)
- The inspection will be held from time to time. - Pemeriksaan akan diadakan dari semasa ke semasa.
3. Dari - From
- It is used in reference of : place / location
For example:
- Alice is from Malaysia. - Alice berasal dari Malaysia. (Place / Location)
- He was walking home from school. - Dia berjalan balik dari sekolah. (Direction)
- I waited for her from 8 a.m. - Saya menunggu dia dari pukul 8 pagi. (Time)
4. Kepada - To / Into
- It is used in reference of : people
portions / parts
change in situations
Note: Basically, kepada is equivalent to ke. However, ke is only used when you need to refer direction, place / location and time.
When you are not referring to direction, place / location and time, kepada is used instead.
For example:
- Give these books to Tina. - Berikan buku-buku ini kepada Tina. (People)
- That cake is divided into four parts. - Kek itu dibahagikan kepada empat bahagian. (Portions / Parts)
- The price of bun increased to RM1.00 after the increase on the price of flour. - Harga roti meningkat kepada RM1.00 selepas kenaikan harga tepung. (Change in situations)
5. Daripada - From / Than
- It is used in reference of: people
comparison / difference (than)
Note: Basically, daripada is equivalent to dari. However, dari is only used when you need to refer direction, place / location and time.
When you are not referring to direction, place / location and time, daripada is used instead.
For example:
- The phone call was from her friend. - Panggilan telefon itu daripada rakannya. (People)
- The table is made from wood. - Meja itu diperbuat daripada kayu. (Source)
- Living at the countryside is better than living at the city. - Tinggal di desa lebih baik daripada tinggal di bandar. (Comparison / Difference)
- It is used in reference of : place of an action / object
time description
For example:
- His kite is stuck to a guava tree. - Layang-layangnya tersangkut pada pokok jambu. (Place of an action / object)
- The book is with my father. - Buku itu ada pada ayah saya. (Place of an action / object)
- The show will start in the late evening. - Pertunjukan itu akan bermula pada lewat petang. (Time description)
7. Untuk - To / For
- It is used in reference of : purpose (of something)
to be given (to someone/something)
For example:
- Mom used a sharp knife to cut the meat. - Emak menggunakan pisau yang tajam untuk memotong daging. (Purpose)
- I will be going to the hairdresser to cut my hair. - Saya akan ke kedai memotong rambut untuk memotong rambut saya. (Purpose)
- Those flowers are for my grandmother. - Bunga-bunga tersebut untuk nenek saya. (To be given to someone/something)
- I bought a new dress for school. - Saya membeli baju baru untuk sekolah. (To be given someone/something)
8. Bagi - For
- It is used to show the purpose of something
For example:
- The donations for the flood victims will be given to the respective organisations. - Derma bagi mangsa banjir akan diberi kepada organisasi-organisasi tertentu.
Note: In Malay, bagi also means "to give".
For example: Can you give this to him? - Bolehkah awak bagi ini kat dia?
Give me that CD. - Bagi saya CD itu.
9. Demi - For / By
- It is used in reference of: purpose
firm declaration
For example:
- The people must unite for the country's peace. - Rakyat mesti bersatu padu demi keamanan negara. (Purpose)
- I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky, I'll be there. - Saya sumpah demi bulan dan bintang-bintang di lelangit yang saya akan berada di situ. (Firm declaration)
- They will be beaten one by one for committing felony. - Mereka akan disebat seorang demi seorang kerana melakukan kesalahan. (Sequence)
Note: Demi and untuk has the same meaning which is "for" and can be used interchangeably.
For example: I am doing this for my country.
- Saya melakukan ini demi negara saya.
- Saya melakukan ini demi negara saya.
- Saya melakukan ini untuk negara saya.
10. Tentang - About
- To show reference.
For example:
- The discussion was about the donation collection. - Perbincangan itu tentang kutipan derma.
- I was thinking about my elder sister. - Saya berfikir tentang kakak saya.
11. Dengan - With / By
- It is used in reference of: accompany
how something is done
to show the item that was used
to show similarities
For example:
- Melissa went to the market with her mom. - Melissa pergi ke pasar dengan ibunya. (Accompany)
- My neighbour went to school by bus. - Jiran saya pergi ke sekolah dengan bas. (How something is done)
- Mom sliced the onions by using a knife. - Emak menghiris bawang merah dengan menggunakan pisau. (To show the item that was used)
- This shirt is same with my sister's one. - Baju ini sama dengan kakak saya punya. (To show similarities)
12. Sejak / Semenjak - Since / Ever since
- It is used to show from a certain point of time (till now)
For example:
- I have been living here since 1959. - Saya tinggal di sini sejak 1959.
- Ever since his wife left him, he was never the same again. - Semenjak isteri dia meninggalya, dia tidak sama lagi.
13. Terhadap - Towards
For example:
- Don't be rude towards your parents. - Janganlah biadap terhadap ibu bapa awak.
14. Oleh - By
- To show the subject in passive sentences
For example:
- The plan was drawn by the famous architect. - Pelan itu dilukis oleh arkitek terkenal.
- The cake was baked by my teacher. - Kek itu dibakar oleh cikgu saya.
15. Hingga / Sampai - Till / Until
- In the sense of how long something is going to last.
For example:
- Mr. Ruiz has till the end of the month to settle his debts. - Encik Ruiz diberi tempoh hingga / sampai hujung bulan untuk menjelaskan hutangnya.
- We are on holiday until Friday. - Kami bercuti hingga / sampai Jumaat.
16. Dalam / Di dalam - In / Inside
For example:
- The knife is in the kitchen - Pisau ada dalam dapur.
- He will be waiting inside the car. - Dia akan menunggu di dalam kereta.
- I left my wallet in the taxi. - Saya tertinggal dompet saya dalam teksi.
17. Atas - On / Over
For example:
- My phone is on the table. - Telefon saya ada di atas meja.
- They climbed over the wall. - Mereka memanjat atas dinding.
18. Tepi / Sebelah - By / Next to / Beside
- Left or right of somebody or somethingFor example:
- Jane is standing next to the car. - Jane sedang berdiri sebelah kereta.
- I put the box by the door. - Saya meletakkan kotak di tepi pintu.
- She will be sitting beside me in class. - Dia akan duduk sebelah saya di dalam kelas.
19. Bawah / Di bawah - Under / Below
- Lower than somethingFor example:
- The bag is under the table. - Beg itu di bawah meja.
- The fishes are below the surface of the water. - Ikan-ikan berada di bawah permukaan air.
20. Melalui - Through
For example:
- I went through an agent to buy this house. - Saya membeli rumah ini melalui ejen.
- Air (Pronounced as ā-yèr) - Water
- Awal - Early
- Baju - Clothes
- Bandar - City
- Berasal - From (Place of birth)
- Berjoging - Jogging
- Bermula - Start
- Bersatu padu - Unite
- Biadap - Rude
- Dapur - Kitchen
- Desa - Countryside
- Diadakan - Done / Held
- Dibahagikan - Divided
- Disebat - Beaten
- Ejen - Agent
- Hutang - Debt
- Keluar - Left (To go)
- Kenaikan - The increase in ...
- Memanjat - Climbed
- Membeli - Buy
- Menggunakan - Using
- Mengulang kaji - Revision
- Meningkat - Increased
- Menjelaskan - Settle / Explain
- Negara - Country
- Panggilan telefon - The phone call
- Pasar - Pasar
- Pemeriksaan - Inspection
- Perpustakaan - Library
- Permukaan - Surface
- Tajam - Sharp
- Taman - Park
- Tepung - Flour
- Tersangkut - Stuck
That is all for this lesson.
Do comment down below if you have any questions on other prepositions that I may have missed out :)
Do comment down below if you have any questions on other prepositions that I may have missed out :)
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See you soon!
Over and out~ :)
Over and out~ :)
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