How To Cope With Depression?


The word itself doesn't seem encouraging or uplifting

Every once in our life, we are bound to fall into such a traumatic experience. It's like being trap in a hole where even the slightest optimistic value has its shadow and we believe that nothing, NOTHING can cure this bitterness.

Depression has its causes.

Some could be through the loss of someone, something, regret, loneliness...

Can it be cured? Absolutely. We will all get by it, even I did.

But it's not easy. 

This is a sensitive topic and I'm no expert. But here, I am going to share some points on how I cope (and eventually overcome) depression.

1. Evaluate the situation and recognise the problem.

Why are you depressed? Is it because you're not accepted? Your source of happiness is no longer there and you feel like your purpose is gone and you are just merely existing? Are you lonely? Because no one agrees with your view and everyone just uses you and leave you when they're done?

2. How was life before you met/found that source of happiness that cause you to be depressed once it left?

Everything in our life comes and go. Nothing stays. Even the best memories. They are only there for a while and that's what makes it special. We may have gotten used to it that once it left us, we feel the emptiness but we have to try.. Try and remember what was life like before that something or someone was there.

3. Go out and meet people.

Yes, you read it right. Go out and meet people. Not in a way that you go out and talk to the first person you see and try to get to know all about them (It would be awkward and a little creepy). 

Go to the supermarket. Get your groceries. Volunteer for community services. Give love to those who need it. Join classes. (Languages, computing, yoga, something that you have always wanted to try but never got around to or stopped).

4. Do what you love.

Have you always loved writing? Have you perhaps had a hobby that you stopped doing it?

Find it because by doing what you love, it causes you to feel contented and keeps your mind occupied.

5. Ensure your environment is clean.

Being in that state of mind while being in a clustered environment is only going to dampen your feelings.

You need the positive vibes. Stop pushing it away to embrace the negative thoughts just because you agree with it.

6. Surround yourself with positive people.

Ask yourself. Are the people around me or that I'm mixing with toxic? 

Do they bring me down? 

Do I even enjoy their company?

Why am I even with them if I don't?

Positive people may seem sickening because they may appear to live freely and overlook minor details that seems hurtful to you but their positive vibe can affect you overtime.

They lift you up and they of all people actually care for you. 

Which brings me to my next point...

7. Notice the people who have been there for you.

All these while, who have been there for you?

Who actually cared to check in once in a while, while you have been pushing them away just to chase something that you want... That perhaps is no longer there.

Notice these people (or person). Because one day..

One day, they will leave once they had enough.

You might think. Oh well, just leave, who am I to care?

But you will miss the fact that they even bothered to check on you.. When you thought you were nothing, they didn't forget about you. The kept reaching out to you.

Notice that. Reciprocate that.

8. It's okay to cry.

No. You are not a robot. You are every bit flesh, bones and blood just like the rest of us with a brain and tangled up emotions. 

It's okay to cry... It's okay to break down...

Even if you do it alone.. 

And finally...

9. It takes time.

I do believe in that quote. Long enough for us to realise and accept the fact but that doesn't mean we are completely healed... We need time.

How much is time?

It varies. Each of us heals on our own.

But it does help.


In conclusion, depression is not easy, it's not a laughing matter. 

Even the happiest person we know of may be weak and suffering inside while putting on a mask because it's easier to show that side rather than explain it and have people leaving them or not even caring.

If you know anyone suffering from depression, the only thing that you can do to help them is to be there for them. 

It is a battle within oneself and can only be completely resolved by oneself but that doesn't mean nobody can help...

Never give up. No matter how long it takes.

They may not notice it now but you kept them from doing something that is regretful

Do it because you care. Do it because you love them. Do it because at the end of the day, they are every bit part of us, and you may have just saved a life.

Remember, depression kills.

It really does. One way or another.



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