Beginner / Lesson 25 (Hobbies) || Learn Malay Through English ||
Hello everyone! If you have missed my previous lesson of the "Beginner Level", click below: Lesson 20 (Furniture) Click below to access the list of lessons available in the "Beginner Level" :) Beginner || Learn Malay Through English || --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What makes a person unique? Different from the rest, despite us being the same species. Genetically different but with most of us having the same number of limbs nonetheless. It could be the physical aspects that separate us from having the same exterior looks. However, we are still not the same internally. Our minds. We are of course different in terms of our mentality which in return defines our personality. What separates us, it is how we spend our time here on Earth. Hobbies. Based on the Oxford English Dictionary , it is "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time fo...