Beginner / Lesson 9 (My Family) || Learn Malay Through English ||

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Beginner || Learn Malay Through English ||


Hello my lovely readers, welcome back to another lesson on the Malay language. How have you been? :)

Being the only child in the family, I do not have my share of experiences when it comes to growing up with a sibling. The competition, the daily war, the mutual understanding between one another...

I do not know what it feels like. Till today, whenever I watch a show or movie, hear the daily bickering of my friends with their sibling or even read a story showcasing sibling rivalry or beautiful moments regarding this, I often find myself wondering what it would be like to have a sibling.. 

One who could lead me, or one I could lead.. My best friend.

But craving for something I can't have is not the solution to the problem. If I were to count my blessings, I have amazing friends whom I know I could count on and have been there for me countless of times. My boyfriend whom I can never be more thankful for and not forgetting, my parents.

All of these combined symbolises my family who have been my pillar of strength, never lacking in advise, encouragement and criticism. 

So my fellow readers, coming back to the reason why I write this post, the theme today shall be "My Family" :)

1. Mother - Ibu / Emak
    (However, most people would use "mak" which means mom :) )
    - How many siblings does your mother have? - Berapa adik-beradik yang ibu awak ada?
                  ("adik-beradik" - siblings)

2. Father - Ayah / Bapa
    - My father has one elder sister. - Ayah saya ada satu kakak.
                                                             ("kakak" - elder sister)

3. Son / Daughter - Anak
    Son - Anak lelaki
    Daughter - Anak perempuan
    - His son is two years old. - Umur anak lelakinya ialah dua tahun.
                                                   ("dua" - two)

4. Elder brother - Abang
    Elder sister - Kakak

5. Younger sibling - Adik
    Younger brother - Adik lelaki
    Younger sister - Adik perempuan

6. Grandfather - Datuk
    Grandmother - Nenek
    - My grandparents live in Kelantan. - Datuk dan nenek saya tinggal di Kelantan.

7. Grandson / Granddaughter - Cucu
    Grandchildren - Cucu-cicit
    - Our grandson lives in Spain. - Cucu kami tinggal di Sepanyol.

8. Uncle - Bapa saudara / Pak cik
    Aunt - Emak saudara / Mak cik
    - Your aunt is tall. - Mak saudara awak sangat tinggi.

Note: Generally we use mak cik and pak cik when we are addressing someone very much older than us, be it someone close to us or a stranger. It is a polite way and we rarely address them by their names as it would seem rude.

The same goes for addressing someone younger than us, we say adik

If it's someone who's age seems to be around our age range but we're not sure if they are older or younger, we just call them kakak or abang

9. Cousin - Sepupu
    - Their cousin is 10 years old. - Sepupu mereka ialah sepuluh tahun. 
                                                          ("sepuluh" - 10)

10. Relatives - Saudara-mara
      Niece / Nephew - Anak saudara

Those are just a few examples when it comes to referring to the family members. 

Now before I end, how about you? Do you have any siblings? Or are you a single child like me?

Share your experiences below. I'd love to know. :)

Click below to go the next lesson :)

That is all for now!  
See you soon!


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