5 Simple Shopping Tips
Shopping... The term is often associated with clothing more so that most of the time, people forget that even purchasing food is shopping. Being an avid shopper myself, or rather an "ex-avid shopper" ? Money was never safe in my hands. I had a habit of spending whenever I get the chance. Most of the time, it was on frivolous items that served little to no purpose only to be ended up on my list of junk items at home. However, a few months back, I started working and apparently thats when I realised that I should start cutting back on my expenses and start spending frugally on things that was really necessary. So, let's cut to the chase and go about a few shopping tips! 5. THINK Before You BUY! Hey, both buy and speak are verbs. So, if you can think before you speak , why not think before you buy ? Take all the time you need. First of all, ask yourself. Do you really need this? Why am I holding this? What is it's...